Reflecting on the week of simple living with no electricity after the snow storm of October 29, Catherine writes…

All was quiet and still. We realize that we once lived a life of harmony with our surroundings and ever so cleverly it has been taken away and we were separated from our dear mother… earth. Then, for a few short days we were led back into the life we once knew so well. We again were in our mothers arms and became closer to what we all need….each other.. As the sun rose today I too reflected on these past few days and considered what is needed and what was not. We were once a part of the community of all living things and now have completely separated ourselves and some even think…”the world is ours” …in fact we are a part of this world and every thing in it when we go extinct this world will still go on……. only with out humans…..few people have embraced this past week as a true vision and even fewer will remember it the way we have.

Visit A Time To Rest, scroll past the words to stroll through a few photos of the magical “morning after.”

Meditation and yoga are two more ways we can open our hearts to an ever-expanding sense of Self. Motherhouse offers weekly opportunities for both.