Learn about finding, feeding, housing, fencing, breeding, and caring for your cow with Debra Tyler of Local Farm.
Try your hand at milking. Make butter, soft cheese, ice cream, and yogurt.
Go home with resource lists, a slew of recipes and MOOre!
The FAMILY COW workshops run from 10:00 to 1:00 and include a pot-luck lunch. Cost is $35/person or $50/family (up to 4 members).
For photos and reports about past Family Cow Workshops, visit our What’s Up at Motherhouse blog.
2020 Family Cow Workshops
The 2020 workshops will be on Saturdays: May 23, August 22, and September 19. We will be happy to consider scheduling other dates if you contact Debra@Motherhouse.us or (860)671-7945. On-line registration can be found by clicking the name in our events calendar.