At the heart of all Motherhouse events and activities lies the concept of Caring for Your Cow, whether literally as in our Family Cow Forums and Workshops, or figuratively as in tending to whatever sustains us… be it good food, good company, good works, or the good earth.

Oxen with MaryLee - Motherhouse
Our 2010 Family Cow Forum was so inspiring that we have made it an annual event. Scheduled for the last Saturday in February, it offers a chance to share stories, tails, ruminations, favorite resources, farm moos and moore with fellow cow enthusiasts.
Our Keeping A Family Cow Workshops are held during the summer months. AmyLees-calf-2They offer families an opportunity to learn about finding, feeding, fencing, breeding, and caring for their cow. Folks can try their hand at milking; make a soft cheese, butter, yoghurt, and ice cream; and go home with a slew of recipes, resources, and MOOre!
To view reports on past forums and workshops, visit our blog. Check our Events Calendar for specific dates or call Debra at (860) 672-0229 or email.

nursing-Margaret2From the Why Motherhouse page:
cows are the ultimate nurturers. They teach the essence of mothering and nursing. When people come to visit Local Farm, their whole beings change as they watch my cows contentedly chewing their cud or grazing on a lush, green pasture. Their bodies relax. Their movements become slower, more deliberate, and graceful. To me, their voices sound softer, lower, deeper, fuller.

Through Motherhouse, I offer this gift of peace to all mothers and their treasured charges – our children and our future.

“… [A] little boy who once visited… pointed the cows out to his grandfather, rather amazed that they were all lying down in the field. His grandfather replied that they were all working, busy making milk.


‘He knew how much more productive a cow is when she is relaxed,’ Tyler said.


‘People could learn a lot from cows.’