Recall the honeybee’s source in Spirit
Be calm in their mystery
Provide their natural circumstances as best you can
Allow their natural tendencies to emerge
Refrain from manipulating them
Keep selfish ends in check
They are connected to all things.

Recall your fellow humans’ source in Spirit
Be calm in their mystery
Provide their natural circumstances as best you can
Allow their natural tendencies to emerge
Refrain from manipulating them
Keep selfish ends in check
They are connected to all things.

Recall your own source in Spirit
Be calm in this mystery
Provide your natural circumstances as best you can
Allow your natural tendencies to emerge
Refrain from being manipulated
Keep selfish ends in check
You are connected to all things.

You are like the honeybee
You have Spirit supporting you
And work in front of you
Serve your hive
You are connected to all things.

 -Michael Goldman
This is one of the passages used in our Meditation for Mothers. More information here.

Poet Michael Goldman reminds us that effective beekeeping requires being calm, centered, and aware – qualities enhanced through the practice of <a style=”color: #5a9a42; ” href=””><strong> meditation</strong></a></em>
Visit <a style=”color: #5a9a42; ” href=””><strong>Short Course</strong></a> for the full poem.

<a href=””><img src=”×225.jpg” alt=”studying bees at Camp Eureka” width=”300″ height=”225″ class=”aligncenter size-medium wp-image-2101″ /></a>

<p> Watching honeybees at work can be a mesmerizing experience. Past summer’s <a style=”color: #5a9a42; ” href=””><strong>Camp Eureka</strong></a> campers  were quietly intrigued as they studied bees at work in an observation hive.  Learn how to keep your own bees on March 19, 2016 at our Old Style Life Skills Series workshop <a style=”color: #5a9a42; ” href=””><strong>BEEginning with Bees.</strong></a> &nbsp;

studying bees at Camp Eureka

Watching honeybees at work can be a mesmerizing experience. Past summer’s Camp Eureka campers were quietly intrigued as they studied bees at work in an observation hive. Learn how to keep your own bees on March 19, 2016 at our Old Style Life Skills Series workshop BEEginning with Bees.